Digital Alert Systems introduces its new Audio Management System (AMS) - a simple solution for the "Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010" (or simply 21st CVAA) compliance, which requires television stations to provide audio description in their Secondary Audio Program (SAP) channel corresponding with any "emergency information" appearing on the main channel. This means any crawl or text displays on the main channel such as weather alerts, school closings, etc. - separate of actual newscasts or EAS alerts - must be "voiced" on the SAP channel. In addition an "attention" signal or tone must be inserted in the main channel's audio to alert or indicate to viewers emergency audio description is available on the secondary channel. This two-part system consists of the new DAS Audio Message Controller (AMC) and the award-winning MultiPlayerâ„¢ linked together to provide proper message audio on both Main and SAP audio streams in full compliance with the 21st CVAA rules. By leveraging many of the similarities of our DASDEC EAS/CAP Flexible Messaging System the AMS is a streamlined answer to the latest FCC rules from the innovative group at Digital Alert Systems - the leader in television EAS/CAP systems.