Over the course of time and for a variety of reasons, many products eventually reach their end of life. Some reasons include; parts and technologies are no longer available, better or newer technologies obsolete the solution, or changes in the marketplace no longer warrant the product. While many times customers would like a product to last forever, it is Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems goal to make this process as seamless as possible to our customers and partners and to provide as much visibility as possible during this process. For hardware platforms, the following general End-of-Life (EOL) policy applies: Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems will endeavor to provide 6 months’ notice prior to a product's End-of-Sale, at which time the product will no longer be available for order. Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems will provide technical assistance to the original purchaser during normal business hours for a period of 5 years following the End-of-Sale date, provided the extended warranty for the product was purchased. Hardware parts may be replaced with similar or equivalent product at Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems discretion will be available for 5 years following the End-of-Sale date, provided the extended warranty for the product was purchased. At Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems discretion, hardware may be replaced with similar or equivalent product. End-Of-Development: End of Development date signifies when the development of new features, capabilities, or improvements or additional functionality for the hardware or software product has ceased. The existing feature set is fixed and the only changes thereafter MAY consist of bug fixes solely at Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems discretion. Key Terms: End-of-Life Policy: The policy covering End-of-Sale announcement through End-of-Life for Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems products. End-of-Life: The last day that a product will be supported by Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems. End-of-Sale: The last day that a product will be available for order from Monroe Electronics / Digital Alert Systems. End-of-Support: The final day for which hardware or software support will be offered. After that date parts and software upgrades, changes, or any bug fixes will cease. End-of-Development: The final day for which hardware or software features will be released. After that date upgrades, changes, or any bug fixes will cease. The company retains the right to update this policy without notice.
These products are no longer being sold and might not be supported.
* To determine the hardware version please refer to Application Note
APNDAS-158: “DASDEC™-II / One-Net™ SE Hardware Series Identification” APNDAS-158 PDF
Last Revision 10/24/2024