HALO - Feature
Centralize EAS management
Single aggregation of all EAS devices provides information and control to all users throughout an enterprise with one secure login
Centralize EAS management
Customized dashboards, tables and screen layouts to display the information specific to individual job responsibilities (engineering, legal, compliance, etc.)
Highly Configurable User And Permissions Settings
Provide full functionality and access to specific individuals or groups, while limiting access/control to others
View And Interact With All Eas Devices Within A Single User Interface
Seeing entire network assures all sites are operating properly or quickly spot issues, while providing SME’s fast access to make any necessary corrections
Master Configuration Management
Reduce manpower and errors by storing/retrieving all configuration files allowing only approved configuration settings to be pushed to single or groups of EAS devices
Alert Message Logging/Reporting
Track EAS-related information from a single user interface to create customized reports for compliance / inventory management
Automatic & Manual
One-Net / DASDEC Registration
Quickly build connections and data exchanges with “Trust Circle” approvals ensuring only those devices are included
Software Update Management
Reduce manpower requirements by managing software updates directly from the HALO interface eliminating even “virtual visits” to each device
Master License Key Management
Enable/disable specific features selectively or universally to control functions of a single or groups of devices
HealthBeatTM Monitoring
Unique message exchange assures devices are operating at peak performance identifying potential issues early
Alarm Notifications
Create conditional alarms with message notifications and access to external monitoring systems from a single point rather than hundreds of separate sites
Highly Scalable
Manage from 1 to 1000’s of devices and install specific HALO Modules befitting the requirements
High-performance SQL Database With Optional Hot-swap Redundancy
Store, view and archive data in a secure, reliable, and industry standard database with options to mirror data and monitor up-time performance and support 3rd party data access
HALO — The Clear Solution
Any operation managing or maintaining multiple EAS devices will benefit from HALO. The savings in labor costs alone are easily justified and preventing even a single mass customer outage is further value. Like all Digital Alert Systems products, HALO is based on decades of expertise, enhanced by critical customer input. So, along with being packed with useful features and extensive functionality, HALO is also customizable and intuitive to operate. It’s also highly flexible to adapt to specific requirements and scale as customer’s needs change and best of all it comes with Digital Alert Systems long history of industry leading EAS/CAP hardware and software, deep understanding of EAS rules, and strong customer support, make HALO the right choice for enterprise scale EAS device management.